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Saeed Habibzadeh_The Matrix Cleaner®

How it all began...

"When I was a little boy, I constantly had a strange feeling that I couldn't describe. I felt that something was wrong in this world.


Later I realized that this feeling was the longing for a perfect world that I had felt as a child. I wished for a world as perfect as in fairy tales, with a happy ending.


I thought a lot and one question in particular preoccupied me: Why is there suffering, hunger, violence, lies, deceit, wars and other ugliness in this world?

Why is everyone so unhappy?


These questions have never left me alone. How could I have forgotten them when this world reminds me of them every day? My observations always led me to the same conclusion: we suffer because we act selfishly and make life difficult for each other.


Our ego has created many misunderstandings and errors in thinking that make our lives hell. These are errors in thinking that we have mostly simply adopted from other people, older generations, our friends and teachers, without thinking about whether they are correct ourselves.


Anyone who frees themselves step by step from their own ego makes an important part of our world more beautiful, harmonious and peaceful: themselves.


Whether we are aware of it or not, whether we believe in it or not, we all have the same responsibility to leave our children a better world than the one we inherited from our parents.


The more people act like this and treat each other with love, respect, consideration and helpfulness, the more beautiful our world will be."

Saeed Habibzadeh

As a spiritual coach, Saeed Habibzadeh has been helping people for over 30 years to overcome their personal challenges and create the life that makes them truly happy. Saeed wrote 6 books, had his own live television show for over 12 years and gave countless lectures and seminars.


ERFOLG magazine recognized him as a top expert in spiritual coaching. With his innovative approaches, he is considered a pioneer in personal development and consciousness expansion in German-speaking countries and is known from TV channels such as Welt im Wandel, QS24 and TOC TV.


Today he is passionate about giving seminars and advising well-known personalities from business, sports, culture and art.

Saeed Habibzadeh - Spiritueller Coach - The Matrix Cleaner

About Saeed

ERFOLG Magazin_Siegel_Top Experte 2025_Saeed Habibzadeh_Spiritueller Coach

"The truth is a gift that most people reject because it is too inconvenient for them."

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